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It looks like the riding season is back !

I mean – here on the french riviera it is never really over, you just can’t go into the mountains in the winter and you are stuck to the littoral.

Unless you are brave enough to face the snow…

Not really my thing as I am barely brave enough to face the rain and I face it only when I must.

Anyways, for this first ride of the season through the « mountains », I chose to go see a friend in Menton, which is the last French city before entering Italy.

By the way, each year in Menton, they organise a lemon festival (fête du citron in french) where they create huge figures made from lemons and oranges, and they show these in parades.

A thing to see if you happen to be on the french riviera when it takes place (mid february to mid march, more informations here :

Menton famous lemon festival
Menton famous lemon festival

The full trip can bee seen here

Nice to Menton road trip through coastal mountains
Nice to Menton road trip through coastal mountains

Trip start – Fort Mont Alban

I have started my trip in Nice, at Mont Boron near an old fort called Fort Mont Alban:

Fort Mont Alban
Fort Mont Alban

From there you can observe a double panoramic view.

From one side you can see a panoramic view on Nice – this is a very nice spot for a sunset, if you happen to visit Nice with your girlfriend *wink wink*

Read here about the best sunset spots around Nice !

Nice panoramic view from Mont Boron
Nice panoramic view from Mont Boron

Then, on the other side you can see the Villefranche sur Mer bay – it’s a small city with a dominant beach and further you can see Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat which is a half island housing the very rich people with an approximative price of 18 000€ per square meter

Next, take the road down from Mont Boron to the « main » road called Moyenne Corniche – it’s roughly translated to « Medium Ridge » in English.

Basically there are 3 main roads between Nice and Menton – okay 4 if you count the highway.

There are 3 « Ridge » roads, that are coastal roads carved in the side of the mountain, and are simply called low, medium and high ridge road depending on how high they are.

Back to our small trip, I take this medium ridge road for a few hundread meters then take a small passage next to the gas station that will take me to the high ridge – that’s where the views are !

If you decide to take this same road, you will know that you have arrived at the high ridge when reaching an intersection with a wider 2 lane road that keeps climping « forever ».

Just keep climbing, the next breath taking views are only 5 minutes away.

When not very far from col d’Eze, you will have some nice twisty roads with splendid views on the coast.

Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat from Haute Corniche (High Ridge road)
Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat from Haute Corniche (High Ridge road)

Be careful as this early in the year, the portions of this road that are in the shadow can be slippery and falling off from this road can be a deadly mistake – you are very high up !

If you happen to have time to take this road on an evening and in the opposite sense, for example traveling from la Turbie to Nice, that’s another great sunset spot as you can see the sun coming down on the far far away mountains of Saint-Raphaël.

After you’ve made it to col d’Eze, keep on going straight up until la Turbie.

La Turbie
La Turbie

At the end of the small city of la Turbie, take left into the road Route du Mont Agel – Mont Agel is the big ass mountain in front of you.

La Turbie from the road route du Mont Agel, leading to Peille
La Turbie from the road “route du Mont Agel”, leading to Peille

From now on you can keep following the signs to go to Peille, there will be some real nice roads but the best part will come.

Arriving at Peille

Before arriving at the small village of Peille, there is a 180° turn right, it’s a small mountain passage that offers a panoramic view on Peille and the valley and that will lead you to col de la Madone, you will even see some fortifications on the road that can be visited (sort of).

Peille village seen from the small mountain passage to col de la Madone
Peille village seen from the small mountain passage to col de la Madone

Just be careful as this road is quite tight, can have lots of gravel or even small rocks on it and there could be a car or a cyclist coming in the opposite way !

This road is definitely for the views, no rush.

My Yamaha Tracer 7 conteplating the view
My Yamaha Tracer 7 contemplating the view

That, for me is the best part of this trip up until you arrive to Sainte Agnès.

Sainte Agnès – the highest coastal village in Europe !

Before arriving in Sainte Agnès, you will be met with even more coastal panoramic views and if you have the time to make a stop in Sainte Agnès, it’s really worth it.

Sainte Agnès - the highest coastal village in Europe. 800 meters high
Sainte Agnès – the highest coastal village in Europe. About 800 meters high

There is a fort you can visit for a few euros, there are some nice restaurants – I have personally only eaten in the restaurant called « Le Saint Yves », the portions were huge and the food was delicious – and there is again a panoramic view.

Once you are done in Sainte Agnès, you can take the road that goes downwards and you will arrive in Menton, if you would like to visit it or you could take the same road in the opposite way, which I guarantee is very fun !

A nice view from the road leading from Sainte Agnès to Menton
A nice view from the road leading from Sainte Agnès to Menton

Some alternative roads that you could take

If you want to go back to Nice through a different road than you can try to take the small road leading from Sainte Agnès to go through Peille – it’s quite fun !

Small village of la Grave
Small village of la Grave

Do you have any recommended trips in the south of France ? Let me know in the comments.

By Adrian